A Review of the State of Crowdsourced Geospatial Data

- Author: Caitlin Dempsey
- Full Title: A Review of the State of Crowdsourced Geospatial Data
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #geospatial
- URL: https://www.geographyrealm.com/review-crowdsourced-geospatial-data/
- Crowdsourcing, citizen science, public participatory GIS (PPGIS), neogeography: the participation of individuals in adding to the collective geospatial knowledge has come a long way since 2007 when UC Barbara geography professor Michael F. Goodchild coined the term “Volunteered Geography.” Also known as Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), Goodchild’s seminal paper described the practice of individuals, commonly non-experts, voluntarily collecting and sharing geographic data. (View Highlight)
- Crowdsourcing efforts range from from weather and climate observations to biodiversity monitoring, landslide monitoring, and urban planning. The authors of this review noted that the shift towards democratized data collection not only diversifies the types of available geospatial data but also provides more nuance and depth of insights that come from a diverse participation base of volunteers. (View Highlight)
- The researchers also point out that technological advancements like Web 2.0 and Big Data, coupled with increased internet access and the widespread use of smartphones, has ushered in this paradigm shift, enabling the collection of vast amounts of data from the global community. (View Highlight)
- The study points out that accuracy and reliability of volunteered data are often questioned, as the lack of proper training among contributors may lead to inconsistencies and errors. Various validation and verification methods such as cross-referencing with official data sources and implementing quality control mechanisms are essential checks and balances. (View Highlight)
- Privacy and ethical considerations also must be factored, especially in the context of location-based data. The potential for misuse of personal information and the need for robust data protection measures are critical issues that must be addressed to ensure the responsible use of crowdsourced geospatial data. (View Highlight)