Decolonizing Geographies of Power Indigenous Digital Counter-Mapping Practices on Turtle Island
- Author: Dallas Hunt
- Full Title: Decolonizing Geographies of Power: Indigenous Digital Counter-Mapping Practices on Turtle Island
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #geospatial
- URL:
- So what is Indigenous counter-mapping? It is not our intention to suggest that all processes of Indigenous mapping necessarily be read as reactive or as counter to the dominant form, especially where Indigenous forms of mapping predate colonial cartography. For the purposes of this paper, and within our current settler colonial moment, we consider Indigenous mapping, in a general sense, as those processes through which Indigenous peoples articulate their presence on and right to defend their ancestral lands, territories and resources against state encroachment, an encroachment which always already occurs within the colonial framework and language of mapping, and which always positions Indigenous presence as that which it must counter. (View Highlight)
- Similarly, Goeman refers to these mapping initiatives as ‘(re)mapping,’ suggesting that, ‘(re)mapping is about acknowledging the power of Native epistemologies in defining our moves toward spatial decolonization (View Highlight)