Geospatial Technology Supports Early Flood Warning in Nigeria

- Author: Esri
- Full Title: Geospatial Technology Supports Early Flood Warning in Nigeria
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #geospatial
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- Using Africa Geoportal, Esri’s open GIS community data and mapping platform, volunteers from the Geohazard Risk Mapping Initiative (GRMI) created a real-time flood reporting tool, interactive flood maps, web applications, and a comprehensive flood event database. GRMI’s work helps communities in Nigeria prepare for and respond to recurring flooding events spurred by changes in rainfall patterns attributed to climate change. (View Highlight)
- A youth-led nonprofit organization, GRMI volunteers are skilled at using GIS tools and analyzing satellite imagery. They use these skills to create maps and applications of current or anticipated geohazards caused by the impact of climate change in Nigeria and other African countries. Their susceptibility and prediction maps and applications are created at local scales and shared with disaster and emergency management organizations, government ministries, and others. (View Highlight)
- The flood maps produced by the initiative have offered data that governments, communities, and individuals can use to better prepare for flood events. The maps GRMI produces reveal the level of flood susceptibility of farmlands, schools, and marketplaces. This information is crucial in initiating preventive measures and reducing the damage caused by flood events. (View Highlight)
- GRMI is a testament to the power of geospatial technology in addressing climate-change-related challenges. Through this initiative, Nigerian communities are better prepared to handle flooding, thereby reducing loss of life, property, and livelihoods. With additional support and resources, the initiative can continue to make an even more significant impact. (View Highlight)