How Data Trusts Can Protect Privacy 1

- Author: Anouk Ruhaak
- Full Title: How Data Trusts Can Protect Privacy
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #data
- URL:
- In a data trust, trustees would look after the data or data rights of groups of individuals. And just as doctors have a duty to act in the interest of their patients, data trustees would have a legal duty to act in the interest of the beneficiaries. (View Highlight)
- Sidewalk Labs suggested the creation of a civic data trust to guarantee that data collected and used in Quayside would benefit the public. The proposal was that any entity wishing to place a sensor in Quayside would have to request a license to both collect and use data. A review board, made up of community members, would monitor and enforce that collection and use. (View Highlight)
- Certainly, data trusts aren’t the only solution to growing privacy and security concerns. Other possible mechanisms, including data cooperatives and data unions, would tackle similar problems in different ways. (View Highlight)