Indigenous Science Has a Lot to Contribute to Ecology
- Author: The Applied Ecologist
- Full Title: Indigenous Science Has a Lot to Contribute to Ecology
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #planet
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- I can only wonder where ecological theory would be if, instead of basing our ideas on competition, we would have based them on interdependence. (View Highlight)
- “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” (View Highlight)
- From an indigenous perspective humans are a key part of nature, but as I said before their role is not to destroy it, but to preserve it (or use it in moderation) so that future generations can also enjoy and thrive in it.
Many conservation programs have failed when trying to exclude humans from nature (e.g., moving people out of areas where some key species was found), and now for many conservationists a key for success is trying to incorporate local people into conservation. On this aspect, the indigenous view is much more effective than the historical western approach of separating humans from nature (consider the word “pristine”). (View Highlight)