No Flights, a Four-Day Week and Living Off-Grid What Climate Scientists Do at Home to Save the Planet
- Author: Daniel Masoliver
- Full Title: No Flights, a Four-Day Week and Living Off-Grid: What Climate Scientists Do at Home to Save the Planet
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #planet
- URL:
- The average European buys 24 new items every year. That needs to come down – based on my team’s research, I’m aiming for three. I can still keep my wardrobe alive through secondhand, recycled, upgraded, swapped or rented clothes. (View Highlight)
- Prof Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation paper, (View Highlight)
- Your average soap bottle has about five different types of plastic, and unless each bit is dismantled, it’s not completely recyclable. (View Highlight)
- For example, eating a plant-based diet for one year saves over 150 times more greenhouse gases compared with a year of using a reusable shopping bag. (View Highlight)
- You can check your own carbon footprint using carbon calculators such as Berkeley’s peer-reviewed CoolClimate and the WWF’s tool. (View Highlight)