Q&A Sabelo Mhlambi on What AI Can Learn From Ubuntu Ethics
- Author: People + AI Research
- Full Title: Q&A: Sabelo Mhlambi on What AI Can Learn From Ubuntu Ethics
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #jefa
- URL: https://medium.com/people-ai-research/q-a-sabelo-mhlambi-on-what-ai-can-learn-from-ubuntu-ethics-4012a53ec2a6
- The chief point about Ubuntu is that when one person oppresses another, they are trying to remove the victim’s humanity and dignity. But in the very act of doing so the oppressor has to throw away their own humanity. To then restore the humanity of the oppressed and ignore the humanity of the oppressor is a violation of Ubuntu. Ubuntu wants to restore the humanity of the victim but also of the oppressor. Ubuntu asserts “no one is beyond redemption.” (View Highlight)