Solarpunk Is the Next Big Literary-Design Movement

- Author: Nate Crosser
- Full Title: Solarpunk Is the Next Big Literary-Design Movement
- Category: articles
- Document Tags: #fellowship #planet
- URL:
- Solarpunk is different from the popular futurisms like cyberpunk, biopunk, or steampunk, which focus on the implications of computing, biotechnology, and mechanization, respectively– as opposed to green tech like solar energy, as with solarpunk. They’re all “punk”–counter cultural aesthetic movements–but only solarpunk imagines not just resistance against society's harmful forces, but victory against them. Victory is achieved through responsible technological, cultural, ecological, and economic progress; through the evolution of the “social organism” of humanity as coined by Le Guin. (View Highlight)
- As a grassroots movement, there’s no formal tribunal of solarpunks, but it usually describes futures that are pleasant, sustainable, and ambitious; optimistic and inclusive without being necessarily utopian (View Highlight)