Wildlife Monitoring Technologies Used to Intimidate and Spy on Women, Study Finds

- Author: PhysOrg.com
- Full Title: Wildlife Monitoring Technologies Used to Intimidate and Spy on Women, Study Finds
- Category: articles
- URL: https://phys.org/news/2024-11-wildlife-technologies-intimidate-spy-women.html
- His report, published in the journal Environment and Planning F, reveals how forest rangers in the national park deliberately fly drones over local women to frighten them out of the forest, and stop them from collecting natural resources despite it being their legal right to do so. (View Highlight)
- The women, who previously found sanctuary in the forest away from their male-dominated villages, told Simlai they feel watched and inhibited by camera traps, so they talk and sing much more quietly. (View Highlight)
- The women told Simlai that new technologies, deployed under the guise of wildlife monitoring projects, are being used to intimidate and exert power over them—by monitoring them too.
"A photograph of a woman going to the toilet in the forest—captured on a camera trap supposedly for wildlife monitoring—was circulated on local Facebook and WhatsApp groups as a means of deliberate harassment," said Simlai. (View Highlight)